Finding Free Photos for Your PowerPoint

I recently began a project for a non-profit company. Like many non-profits, their presentation budget was extremely low. Actually, that’s an understatement. I was told there was no money for stock photography and was tasked with locating beautiful nature photos that were also, gulp, free. Well, I thought that was going to be nearly impossible and that if I did locate nice shots on the internet, they’d be the size of postage stamps. I was so wrong. For example, a simple search in google for nature shots brought me to a site with gorgeous panoramic photography. I’m posting an example of one of their shots below. Check it out
Some of these images are huge, so there’s no problem with losing clarity in a PowerPoint since screen resolution (72DPI) is just fine. And, by the way, this is just one of many websites. There are tons of professional sharp shooters out there who are more than happy to share their award winning digital images with the general public. Heck, even non-professionals are taking decent pics with their iphones these days, and those are also easy to find. Just google whatever your looking for, such as “sunflowers in the snow”. I’m not kidding. As obscure as that sounds, you can find it. So now there’s no excuse to having humdrum presentations. You can dress them up like Christmas trees if you want to.

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