How to convert Quicktime to run on PowerPoint in Windows

One question I’ve been asked numerous times by other PowerPoint designers is this, “I’ve got a Quicktime movie that runs great in PPT on my Mac. However, my client is on a PC and it doesn’t work for them at all. How can I run QT in PPT on a PC?”

Well, the simple answer is this: you can’t. Quicktime is not supported in PowerPoint in the Windows version, only the Mac version. But, there is a solution.

There’s a utility program that easily converts QT video to WMV video, which is a format that does run in PPT on the PC. The program is called Wondershare Video Convertor and you can find it here:

It’s only $50 and well worth it.

Once you run a QT video through this convertor, you will have the WMV format video that runs easily on PC’s in PowerPoint.

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