Sell Yourself With A PowerPoint presentation

In today’s world of Facebook, Twitter, and other avenues of self promotion, why not consider using PowerPoint to sell yourself. I never would have thought of it, but I was recently contacted by a business professional who felt like she was not appreciated in her current role with the company she worked for. She asked if I could help her to develop a pitch to send her boss. This would include a clever way of graphically showing the many hats she wore while performing her day to day duties. Sure, she could set an appointment and have just a normal discussion with her superior, but the boss might consider this an annoying intrusion on his/her day. Why not put together something entertaining that explained how this employee was indispensable to the company? I asked the woman “What would you like to get out of doing this?” Her answer was, more recognition, more staff to support her efforts, and more money. When you’re going to ask for all those things, you had better put together a compelling argument. And PowerPoint is a great tool to do that with because you can use each slide to gradually unfold your story, talk about the reason you’re great, and finally “come in for the kill” at the end, which is to ask for what you want. The added benefit is that you’ve organized your thoughts into a professional format that anyone in business is accustomed to viewing. So stay tuned…I will post a few slides from this presentation, with my client’s permission, when it’s finished.

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