Invest in a Great Power Point Investor Presentation

Do you know when someone talks to you for awhile and just to make sure you’re on board they say “Do you see what I’m saying?” I believe the main job of a PowerPoint presentation is to help you visualize what’s being said.

This is part of a presentation I received from a Fitness Company who was educating their investor audience about the state of obesity in America. This slide has bullet points containing three different sets of statistics and a couple of small photos haphazardly placed. Overall, it lacks focus.

So I pulled out the most important piece of info and stated it in the headline Obesity is An Epidemic. Now you have the audience’s attention. And when you tell them what that really means which is 1 out of every 3 Americans will not LIVE to see their grandchildren, now they’re able to relate on a deeper level. Finally, with the shot of the small child walking away, they can to see what you’re saying. It becomes an emotional connection, rather than just a statistic.

The second example uses the ubiquitous bulleted text. For this one, I focused on the first bullet and created a more visual depiction of the concept “24/7”. When you see the text large and in red along with the shot of the woman comfortably sprawled out at home with her laptop, you are more likely to remember this concept of round-the-clock access.

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